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I'm baaaaaaack!

Greetings and salutations to all!

First off, blogging is hard. Unlike some people out there I find it hard to just ramble on about random stuff and can't always think about what to write on a daily or even weekly basis. Unfortunately, between this, writing and editing my books, and just life in general, my blog has fallen to the wayside a few (dozen) times. However, I am attempting to rectify this now with a brand new schedule of postings featuring stuff that makes me who I am as a person and a writer.

So, the blogs of the week will be posted as follows (I hope):

Monday Musings

These posts will feature stuff that happened to me over the weekend. This will include updates and announcements on my books and any projects I'm working on and/or anything weird that might occur to me like strange dreams, shower type thoughts etc. You know, things that make you go hmmm. Am I showing my age yet?

See You Next Tuesday!

If you know what this means then you know what's coming. These posts will feature stupid news up to and including articles about assholes getting busted doing something reckless, Karens, racists, anyone who achieves instant karma, and basically people who manage to fail spectacularly at the simplest of things. I will happily accept notifications of Tuesday happenings near you so feel free to hit me up on Twitter with whatever you have.

Hump Day Humor

It's the middle of the week and you're feeling sluggish. Never mind, here come some fun and lighthearted jokes, stories, and other fun stuff to get you to the weekend!

Transparencia Thursdays

For want of a better title, my Thursday posts will feature news for and about the Latinx/Hispanic American communities including moments in history. As soon as I can think of something better to call my Thursday posts I'll change it so watch this space.

Friday Food News

You've made it to the weekend, YAY! As a formally trained chef and foodie extraordinaire I shall be dropping awesome recipes I find and love to make as well as word of anything happening in the Foodie world.

So, that's my intention. New blog posts will begin this coming Monday. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. And no, that is not a threat! Hasta la pasta, folks.

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