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Viviana was surprised by her own disappointment when they pulled into the parking lot of a farm on the edge of a state park just 20 minutes down the road. She was not a renfaire enthusiast by any means but Aimee's level of enthusiasm as she described the theme park piqued her interest. There were some people milling about by a large river nearby but nothing else denoted Aimee's description.

"Is this it?" Viviana asked.

"No, dummy, this is Muscoot Farm. We just park here." Olga giggled. "The park is on an island on the river so you have to take a ferry to get there."

A cheer went up suddenly and they turned to see what was happening. Viviana gasped. What approached them was nothing like what sailed back and forth to Staten Island or the Statue of Liberty several times a day. This ferry was in the form of a large pirate ship. The crew immediately started interacting with guests and costumed staff who boarded the boat to begin their shift.

Aimee ushered Viviana and Olga toward the front of the ship where they could watch the passing trees reflecting from the surface of the dark green water. It was a quick and peaceful ride peppered with the jubilant sounds of the guests onboard. They rounded the bend and a collective cheer went up as the island came into view. From the pier was a cobblestone path that led up to sprawling walls of stone behind which towered an enormous fairy tale castle.

"We don't go on for a few hours yet. Why don't I show Viv around and introduce her to the others?" Olga said.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll be inside for a bit but I'll meet you at the joust." Aimee gave her girlfriend a peck on the cheek and disappeared into the crowd.

"I didn't know you were into this kind of thing," Viviana told her cousin.

"I'm not but I like the carnival atmosphere and a lot of the people working here are really hot." Olga grinned.

"Aren't you in a relationship?"

"Yeah but you're not so maybe we can get you a little somethin' somethin'." Olga nudged her with a wink.

"Olga, please, don't push."

Olga stopped walking and turned to face her.

"Viviana, you're not still in love with that manganzón, are you?"

"No, of course not pero- we've been married for 15 years. He's been part of the family for longer. I- it's hard to explain. Just give me some time okay?"

Yes, it was still too new. Viviana was still in shock that her marriage was over after so long. That was why she wasn't ready to move on, not because she hoped Carlo would change his mind and beg her to take him back.

They walked along the main road called the Queen's Highway where they passed the wares market with tents that housed space to buy and rent costumes for the day, accessories, souvenirs, gifts, and unique items made by various artists. Just behind the castle was the kissing bridge that connected the area to a little chapel that hosted scheduled park events as well as weddings and even funerals for the general public. There was an area nearby where the Privy Council gathered once a day and guilty parties, usually guests celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, bachelor and bachelorette parties, and the like, were put into the stocks to be judged for crimes they didn't commit. When they're found guilty they are pelted with water balloons filled with paint to resemble fruit and vegetables.

Further along, they found a mud wrestling act, juggling school, a puppet show, and something called the Excalibur Challenge. Olga explained that kids who were celebrating birthdays, a good report card, or other achievements are given a special medallion when they enter the park which gives them a chance to pull the sword from the stone. When they feed the medallion into a slot in the stone, it comes to life and a voice tells the kid what to do. It was basically a raffle system and if the medallion had the right number the plastic sword would pull free with lots of fanfare. Later when the royal court arrives at the tournament pit for the joust, the child could meet the queen who would knight the child and encourage the audience to sing "For he/she's a jolly good fellow."

In the very back of the park was a Viking village and a pirate cove where the inhabitants would engage in battle with each other twice a day. It was in this location where most of the games and rides were found. Beside this was the living chessboard, a large hedge maze, and the tournament pit, as well as stages, taverns, and food booths. People dressed as wenches, princesses, kings, warriors, Robin Hood, fairies, and even members of the Star Trek crew mingled among others wearing normal street attire. Viviana had to admit that, if nothing else, the park made for great people watching.

They reached the tournament pit just as a cheer went up for the newly arrived royal court. The queen, a beautiful statuesque young blonde with long wavy hair cascading all the way down her back, gave a speech in a clear strong voice that captivated the audience.

Viviana leaned over to her cousin and whispered,

"Where'd they find her?"

Olga smiled as her gaze remained on the queen.

"She's good, right? That's Nicola Petronella. She went to school with Aimee's friend Brad back in LA before going to Juilliard."

"Wow, I'm surprised I haven't seen her on TV or in the movies."

Olga shrugged. "Apparently, she did have a shot at the big time but didn't like working in Hollywood so she bounced. She prefers the stage."

A large blonde man stomped toward the queen in a pale blue and gold-lined tunic and hose that matched his eyes. He pointed a finger at her as her guards, garbed in red and black, crossed their spears to guard her.

"You will come with me now, Queen of Taenyth, or my dragons will lay waste to your beloved kingdom!" He demanded.

The queen reeled in horror before the wizard standing beside her throne stepped between her and her enemy. Olga snorted.

"You know, it'd be nice if the damsel in distress actually got off her ass once in a while and fought her own battles."

Viviana chuckled even as those around them grumbled and shot her cousin nasty looks. What she did find refreshing was that the man beneath the long grey, starry robes and hat, and white beard was black. A dark hand thrust his orb topped staff at the enemy and cried,

"You have no power here. Begone, cretin of the night, before I banish you to hell!"

The blonde man took a few steps back before whipping his blue cape around him and declared,

"Oho! I will show you the extent of my power."

He disappeared into the cheering crowd and suddenly there was a loud screech from above. Viviana looked up and dropped to the ground, her heart in her mouth as an enormous dragon swooped low. The audience screamed as the thing zipped across the grounds, wings flapping rhythmically as it screeched like Godzilla. When it rose higher into the sky a blast of fire shot from its mouth.

After the collective gasp from the audience, they erupted into cheers and applause. Small children yelled at the beast waving fists and wooden swords alike in its direction. Viviana laughed, blushing as she stood up again. Olga was doubled over with laughter. Viviana punched her cousin in the arm.

"Shut up, you could've warned me, you know!"

"What, and miss your reaction? No way!" Olga wiped tears from her eyes.

At least she wasn't the only one who ducked. Looking around she saw other newbies being laughed at by the more seasoned friends and family who neglected to warn them. Viviana watched the dragon sail along on thin wires she'd somehow managed to miss running from the castle through the trees. It screeched again as it swooped towards them. More knights in red and black poured onto the field with swords and arrows notched and ready. Olga was right, the knights were hot. Hell, everyone who worked there was hot. What the hell am I doing here? She wondered.

The knights charged toward the dragon and the archers let loose their arrows as it approached. After another swoop over the crowd, the monster screeched and then did a figure eight to soar back into the trees. A final screech and sudden fireball meant the dragon's defeat and the crowd cheered again.

"So, how do you like everything so far?" Aimee said from behind them as the crowd dispersed. It was almost noon and everyone headed to the newly opened food stalls.

"Pretty cool." Viviana nodded.

"The dragon scared the shit out of her." Olga cackled.

"Oh man, I'm sorry I missed that." Aimee grinned. "Come on, we've got to get on stage. The show starts in 15 minutes.

Viviana's mild annoyance at her cousin became dwarfed by a sudden onslaught of butterflies in her stomach. Oh well, if she ended up vomiting she'd make sure to aim for Olga.


Six hours later, Viviana was resting with her feet up in the gloriously air-conditioned employee lounge located inside the castle along with the cafeteria, HR, maintenance, and everything else that had to do with running the park. Even though it was the middle of June the weather was already turning hot and sticky. Olga went in search of some cold drinks and Aimee was off talking with friends while everyone waited for the last of the park guests to leave on the ferry. Viviana ran a cold wet washcloth along her neck, arms, and chest to get the sweat and dust off.

"Lucky washcloth."

Viviana rolled her eyes and turned to see the big blonde guy from the performance with the dragon leering at her.

"Can I help you?" She said, deadpan.

"I think it's more can I help you?" He pulled up a seat, spun it around, and sat down on it backwards so he could lean his arms across the back.

"With what?"

A glint came into his pale eyes as he grinned.

"Toweling off, sweetheart."

Viviana grimaced. "No thanks, I can manage."

"Are you sure? I can help you get those hard-to-reach places."

Oh for the love of- the man actually wiggled his eyebrows!

"No, really, I'm good."

"Alright, can't blame a guy for trying to be friendly. Don't think I've seen you around before. Are you new?"

Viviana shrugged. "Yeah, I'm helping out my friend until she can get a new wench group together."

"Oh yeah, I thought I saw you with the carpet muncher over by the tavern." He leaned forward. "So are you a lezzie too?"

Viviana's eyes narrowed as her patience wore thin and plastered a sweet smile on her face. Then she put her feet down and leaned toward him.

"I know you think you're being clever and charming but you sound like a guy who's bitter because his last girl dumped him for a woman. What's the matter, can't handle a little competition?"

She stood up and turned to walk away when he gripped her wrist hard.

"Is there a problem here?"

They turned to find Aimee and Olga glaring at them beside a short, heavyset man with short dark hair that was beginning to grey, and wide-set brown eyes. His office attire told Viviana the man most likely did not venture outside the castle during working hours. She glanced at the blonde man and down at his hand squeezing her arm hard enough to turn the skin white.

"I don't know, do we have a problem?" She said to him.

He gave her an evil look before letting her go. She refused to give him the satisfaction of rubbing her arm even though it killed.

"Beat it, Moss, the ferry's starting to board." The other man said.

Moss shot another glare at Viviana before storming out of the swinging doors.

"Are you okay?" Olga asked as Aimee demanded, "What the hell was that about?"

Viviana rubbed her forearm where the white marks turned red. She shrugged.

"The pig tried to hit on me then asked if I was a lesbian like you guys. I told him off and he didn't like it."

"I am so sorry, Mrs. Morenco. Do you want to file a complaint?" The dark-haired man asked.

Viviana shook her head. "Nah, now that I know about him I'll just avoid him that's all. Besides, he'll probably just move on to someone else now."

"Viviana, this is one of the managers and a good friend of mine, Chris Morriggi." Aimee said.

Chris nodded his greeting. "If Tommy Moss ever bothers you again or you need anything at all, you let me know. All of you."


"What the hell is he going to do about it anyway?" Olga fumed as they rode home in the car. "He's been a problem since he got hired, hasn't he?"

"Racist, sexist, homophobic, you name it, that's Tommy Moss." Aimee frowned. "He hits on anything in a skirt but since his father's company is a major shareholder in the park nothing is ever done about him so people stopped filing complaints."

"You'd think being associated with someone like that would be bad publicity for the company," Viviana said.

"If word ever gets out." Olga snorted.

"If word ever gets out. And even then, the shareholders' group is just a boys' club. Why would they care?" Aimee said.

"Chris sounded really upset about it. Wouldn't he do something if I filed a complaint?" Viviana asked.

Aimee shrugged. "He could try, and he has in the past, but he nearly lost his job the last time."

"Does Brad know this is going on?"

The girls nodded.

"Y que?"

Olga frowned while Aimee just shrugged.

"I'm starting not to think so highly of your friend," Viviana said.

They rode the rest of the way home in silence.


Several weeks later the summer season of The Enchanted Forest theme park was in full swing. Word did get out about the park and people came in droves. The Wenches of Wine act was a big hit and the social media comments were a healthy blend of kudos, thirst, and condemnation. The only word Viviana received from Carlo came in the form of divorce papers, which she hadn't brought herself to sign. Luckily, she'd been home to pick up the mail while Olga was down in her shop and Aimee was out running errands so they never saw the envelope from the law office arrive. She realized it wasn't that she was still in love with Carlo, that ship sailed long ago, but that signing those papers meant accepting her failure as a wife- as a woman. So long as they remained unsigned, there was still every chance Carlo would take her back and she could try again.

Viviana was in a mood. The heavy air was steamy even for late August and everything seemed to stick to her body. She'd been so preoccupied with the nasty message Carlo left on her phone because he was still waiting for the divorce papers that she took a misstep and twisted her ankle during the last performance, falling into the vat they danced in. Luckily, it wasn't actually full of grapes but she was still embarrassed.

She limped back to the castle in a huff, waving off the girls' offer of assistance, to use the bathroom and get checked out by first aid. On top of everything else, she wasn't about to use the nearby privies and get hotboxed by the guests who'd used it before her. She just needed a few minutes to cool down and pull herself together.

She limped out of the stall to see Tommy Moss leaning against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. Even he looked dirty and disheveled from the heat as he stood there grinning at her.

"Are you lost or something?" She snapped at him.

"Can't a guy offer assistance to a damsel in distress?"

Viviana rolled her eyes.

"You're the one who's going to be in distress if management catches you in here, Moss."

"And who's going to tell them, you?" He pushed off the wall and approached her slowly. "In case you haven't noticed, everyone is outside. The halls are empty. There's no one to hear you scream."

Viviana's heart leapt into her throat and she forgot to breathe. What the hell did he mean by that? As he pinned her to the sink she brought her knee up to connect with his manhood. He folded over with a yelp and she pushed him aside, her right foot protesting as she stumbled out of the bathroom. She headed for the exit when she was suddenly shoved against the wall, her arms pinned to the bulletin board. The smell of stale beer on his hot breath as Tommy snarled in her face,

"Why can't you uppity bitches learn to be nice?"

"Take your hands off the lady, Moss."

Tommy leapt back and Viviana turned around. They both watched a large knight approach from the other end of the hall. Viviana guessed he was at least 6'2. His dark, wavy hair brushing the collar of his tunic. Deep blue eyes seemed to sparkle with anger, nostrils flared, his strong jaw clenched.

Tommy snorted. "She ain't no lady."

"Fuck you!" Viviana spat.


The knight stepped closer so that the men's noses practically touched, his voice a deep and dangerous rumble.

"If you lay hands on this or any other woman, you'll have me to deal with."

Tommy leaned forward to close the gap between them.

"You don't scare me, Hunter. Get in my business again and I'll take you apart."

"Morenco, Hunter, in my office now!"

Chris had come around the corner and was storming toward them flanked by two security guards. Several more guards burst into the wall from the outside doors. Before she could open her mouth they pulled Tommy away from the knight and threw him to the floor. She watched the men struggle for a moment before feeling a light tug on her arm. She looked up to see the knight smiling at her gently.

"Shall we?" He asked.

She took a step and stumbled into him, her ankle was on fire. She lifted her skirt to see it swelled dramatically. She heard a deep grumble and looked up at him again. The knight's brow was furrowed with concern.

"If I may." He said and suddenly picked her up in his arms. "Are you alright?"

His voice was so smooth and comforting, the sound flowing through her like warm chocolate. She was so startled by the ease of which he carried her that she almost forgot to answer.

"Y-yes, I'm fine."

They entered the manager's office where he placed her into a chair and sat beside her. Once Chris got off the phone from calling the first aid office he regarded the two of them.

"I'm sorry for my harsh tone. I just wanted to separate you two from the situation as quickly as possible. I can't believe Moss would be dumb enough to start with you again. Are you alright, Mrs. Morenco?"

"Viv, please. How did you know what was happening? I didn't even get a chance to scream."

She began to shiver and the knight draped his cape across her shoulders. She smiled at him grimly and nodded her thanks. Who was this guy?

"Security saw him on camera following you into the restroom and called me. It's a good thing they did, although you seem to be in good hands with Renier here."

"You know how I feel about the maggot."

"I do and I appreciate you looking out for the others when he's around."

"It shouldn't have to be this way, Chris."

"No, it shouldn't, you're right." The manager sighed, then looked at Viviana. "So what do you want to do, Viv, press charges?"

"Damn right, I do. I've seen how things are around here and it's about time someone took a stand. I came here to help out a friend not get molested by some bellaco!" She leaned forward. "And let me tell you something, cabron, you tell those bosses of yours that if things don't change around here they're setting themselves up for one hell of a lawsuit."

Chris raised his hands. "I understand you're upset and I absolutely agree-"

Renier interrupted him. "Put another way, if there is any retaliation against Viviana over this, the rest of the knights and I will walk."

Chris gaped at him. "You wouldn't."

"We would."

A grin slowly crept across the manager's face. "I'll get the police on the phone."


By the end of the day word of Tommy Moss' arrest spread to every employee at the park so Viviana was glad she'd be home for the next ten days resting her ankle, which turned out to just be a bad sprain. Viviana liked working but she was glad to have a few days to herself, vegging in front of the TV in her sweats. So when Olga called to tell her to make herself presentable because they were having friends over a week later, she decided to make herself scarce instead and hid in her room. At 7 pm, she heard voices as everyone arrived and there was a knock on her door.

"Viviana, are you in there?" Olga called through the door.

Reluctantly, she set down her book and hobbled across the room.

"Viv, you're not dressed." Her cousin frowned.

Viviana shrugged. "I'm not feeling up to company today."

"Did Carlo call again?" Olga sighed. "Look, forget him, okay, at least for a few hours. Come on out, everyone's here to watch the game. People have been asking about you, y'know, especially the hunk of beef waiting for you in the sala."

"The-" Viviana froze as she heard Renier's voice. His soft chuckle turned her knees to jelly. "Olga, you didn't!"

"Come on, put on something sexy, run a pick through your hair, and get out here."

"I will not put on something sexy."

"Oh come on, you can borrow something of ours if you want."

Viviana pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Ok, first of all, it's a football game. If I go out there wearing something slinky I'll look desperate."

"You'll get his attention though."

"I don't want to get his attention, carajo! I just met the guy. Just because he was nice to me last week doesn't mean he's interested. And anyway, I'm still married, Olga, remember?"

"Only on paper. Speaking of which, when are you going to talk to that lawyer?"

"Olga, I am not going to get into a conversation about divorce when we've got people over."

"Then get dressed and join us, zangana!"

Olga walked away chuckling as Viviana slammed the door. One of these days she was definitely going to kick her cousin's ass.

Viviana threw on a team jersey and some denim cut-offs, looked at herself in the mirror, and cringed. She fluffed out her curls and put on some light makeup to look more human before venturing into the living room. She saw they had six guests, Renier and two other knights she recognized from watching the jousts and three of the girls from Olga's salon.

"Look who's up!" Olga said.

Vonda, a petite black woman with shoulder-length curls who was dwarfed by the oversized jersey she wore, exchanged kisses on the cheek with Viviana. As did Simone, a black woman with red braids down her back and brown freckles peppering her tawny beige complexion. Meanwhile, Cynthia, a tall, slender woman with sleek blonde hair merely nodded to her. Her bright red lips a firm line against her orange skin, giving Viviana a sudden craving for McDonalds' fries. She was wearing cut-offs, high-heeled sandals, and a red crop top that displayed a diamond belly button ring. For whatever reason, Viviana rubbed Cynthia the wrong way. She already knew this but not the reason why. She wasn't about to lose sleep over it, however.

Renier lifted Viviana's hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes seemed to sparkle as he held her gaze. Her breath caught as her skin began to tingle.

"It is good to see you up and about, my lady. Are you well?"

She nodded, willing her mouth to work. She wanted to tell him it was outside working hours and he didn't have to call her that but she found that she liked it. A soft smile touched his lips and he turned to his friends.

"I'd like you to meet some of my friends. Viviana, this is Humfrye and Jack."

Known as Humfrye the Chicken for the comical squawk he let out whenever he attacked his opponents, Viviana already found the tall, lanky man very likable. Brushing his shaggy light brown hair out of his grey eyes with a goofy grin, the two of them embraced in a quick and awkward hug. Jack the Dreamer was the local heartthrob and damn if he didn't know it. He wasn't much to look at, at least in Viviana's eyes. He was a few inches shorter than Viviana with brown eyes and a slim build but she suspected it was his gentleness around children and easy, laidback charm that made him a favorite with the ladies.

Jack bowed deeply with a flourish and pressed his lips to Viviana's hand.

"Glorious maiden, meeting you is the greatest of pleasures. It shall be the highlight of all my days forevermore." He said with a wink.

Viviana couldn't help but laugh and noticed the grim expression on Renier's face.

"Alright, Casanova, that's enough." He grumbled.

"How are you feeling, Viviana?" Humfrye asked.

"Much better, thanks. The pain is gone but I still can't walk on it too much."

"So you won't be coming to work tomorrow?" Renier asked.

Aimee answered for her. 

"Oh, she will but we've modified the act so that she can do it sitting down."

Viviana nodded in agreement.

"Excellent. We've missed you." Renier said.

The sudden flutter in her belly surprised her.

"So did you guys meet at the theme park? You seem like old friends." Vonda asked the knights.

"We're more than old friends, we're brothers in arms," Humfrye said.

"Brothers in arms, so you guys were military?" Simone asked.

"Mm, I think I might have to enlist myself." Cynthia cooed as she planted herself on the sofa between Renier and Viviana. She made it a point to squeeze his bicep as she leaned into him.

"You know you can't get discharged for breaking a nail, right?" Simone smirked.

Cynthia shot her a dirty look.

"Well, maybe I can be a wench at the park. You're looking for permanent wenches for your group, aren't you, Aimee?"

"You have to be able to carry a tune, Cynthia," Olga said.

Cynthia looked put out. "I can sing."

"No, you can't." Vonda chuckled.

"I can sing better than you."

"Yeah, you remember what happened last Christmas when you were in back singing Christmas carols? Mrs. Wong came over from next door in a panic because of how noisy the pipes suddenly got." Vonda snorted. "She thought our heater was about to burst."

Humfrye choked on his drink and Aimee and Olga busied themselves with helping him. Viviana ducked her head while stifling a laugh but not before noticing the smile Renier hid by looking toward the kitchen.

"We need you at the shop anyway, Cynthia," Olga said. "You know the holidays are our busiest season."

"Fine, I'll save my talents for those who will truly appreciate them." She sniffed.

The rest of the night passed without incident. Aimee made vegetarian lasagna and they watched the NY Giants' preseason game on TV. Well, most of them did. Cynthia, Viviana noticed, busied herself by fawning over Renier. After a quarter and a half of pretending not to notice, she decided to head to the kitchen and grab some ice for her ankle.

Viviana didn't know why Cynthia's attentions on Renier bothered her. She had no claim on him. Like she said to Olga, she was still a married woman and they barely knew each other. Really, before today they'd barely said more than a few words to each other. Okay, so he was good looking and he had come to her rescue when Tommy came after her. That didn't mean there was anything between them. He was just a nice guy who saw a woman who needed help.

He said we missed you.

Yeah, but that didn't mean he did necessarily. Viviana got along with nearly everyone she met at the park. In fact, she pretty much kept to herself. When she wasn't on stage she watched the jousting and fights at the tournament pit and the chessboard. She wandered the grounds watching the guests play games or get spooked by the dragon. She didn't bother anyone and nobody bothered her except Tommy and he was gone now. So maybe a few of her work acquaintances were concerned enough to miss her while she was away.

"May I be of assistance?" Renier asked, causing her to yelp and drop the ice. He chuckled, "Sorry."

Viviana laughed. "That's okay, I didn't hear you come in."

She bent to pick up the ice but he was already on his knees and plucking the cubes off the floor. He looked up and offered them up to her, cupped in his large hands as if they were diamonds. The sharp features of his face cast shadows in the dim light, making him look ferocious, dangerous even. Why did that send a thrill of excitement through her?

"Thank you." She murmured, taking the ice from him.

A silence settled between them that surprisingly wasn't awkward. After a moment though, she said,

"I never got the chance to thank you for saving me from Tommy. If you hadn't stopped him when you did-" She gripped the sink as a tremor washed over her.

"Hey!" He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed gently. "Worry not, good lady, Tommy Moss is gone. You have nothing to fear. He can't harm you again, I won't allow it."

The words were reassuring and lit a flame in her heart and belly but her mind continued to churn.


It came out as a whisper.


"Why, Renier? Why won't you allow it? You don't know me. Why should you care what Tommy does to me?"

She watched as several expressions crossed his face before he said,

"Because I cannot stand by and watch some yaldson molest a lady in such a manner."

Viviana sighed. Okay, so he's insane. Why else would he still talk like a medieval knight while off the clock?

"Well, all the same, I appreciate what you did for me."

The lights in the living room came on and everyone started filing into the kitchen. Cynthia immediately latched herself onto Renier's arm.

"What's going on?" Viviana asked.

"Halftime, baby!" Aimee cried. "Which means it's also time for roasted chickpeas!"

"And I'm making nachos like a real 'merican!" Olga announced.


As summer turned to Fall and kids went back to school, the hours of operation at The Enchanted Forest shrunk down to weekends only. Olga returned her full attention to her salon and Aimee went back to taking catering jobs, which left Viviana home alone for most of the day. It took little convincing for her to enroll in community college. She needed to have a career in something, even if she was starting later than everyone else, but she really didn't know how to do anything. She needed to major in something but for now, she decided to try her hand at everything and see what she might actually be capable of.

Renier visited at least once a week, along with several of the other knights, for some food, movies, and football. Sometimes the girls from the salon would join them and try to attract the guys' attention but usually, it was just Olga, Viviana, and sometimes Aimee. Renier would talk with Viviana about school and on days he knew she was studying for an exam or working on a big project, he would come by to make spaghetti, draw her a bath, or rub her feet while watching whatever was on TV.

Sometimes they would talk about her marriage and how she failed Carlo, failed as a woman. This irritated Renier who insisted it was he who failed her and was not worth her efforts. His annoyance on her behalf was comforting, Viviana had to admit. Her mother always agreed with her, telling her to remember her failings for the next marriage so as not to repeat them. Renier wasn't a fan of Viviana's mother either. They had a nice, homey dynamic, Viviana and Renier. The man did more for her than Carlo ever did in 15 years of marriage but she knew Renier was just being a good and caring friend.

At the end of September, The Enchanted Forest underwent a spooky transformation for the Halloween crowds. By day there were costume contests, treasure hunts, and trick or treating, and by night a haunted hayride along the Queen's Highway. Sweeney Todd would run around chasing his victims while Mrs. Lovett prepared her ovens for the pies she would put them into. Hamlet popped up now and again, talking to a skull about what he should do about his uncle. Count Dracula crept about the castle as the wolfman howled and Dr. Frankenstein struggled to bring his monster to life. The Wenches of Wine turned their vat into a cauldron and became the witches from Macbeth. Viviana was studying the play for English Lit so Olga and Aimee thought it might help if they reenacted part of it.

One especially chilly night, Viviana headed for the castle between performances to grab their coats from the locker they shared. The forest looked especially spooky as a mist began to descend on the park. She heard the snap of a twig and stopped. Looking around she saw she was alone and chuckled at herself before walking again. Another snap, closer this time, made her pause again. Viviana sighed.

Come on, zangana, there's nothing to be afraid of here. She chastised herself.

Still, she hurried along and as she followed the path around a bend someone grabbed her from behind and threw her to the ground. She flipped onto her back and a shadowy figure pinned her to the ground. A gust of hot breath carrying the familiar odor of stale beer reached her nose as her attacker laughed. Her heart stopped. It couldn't be.

"T-Tommy? You're supposed to be in jail." She gasped.

"Yeah, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You and your faggot friends just laughed it up when ole Tommy got taken away in handcuffs, didn't you?"

"Let me go, Moss. I won't say anything. It's so dark no one will even know you were here."

"I know, I'm counting on it."

His laugh made her blood run cold. There was a glint in the light of the waning moon and Viviana realized he had a knife. She gathered every ounce of strength she had and screamed.


Renier peered into the darkness. It was rumored Tommy Moss was onsite and the fact that Viviana disappeared into the woods, away from the crowds concerned him. Like the others, he first thought it was just a Halloween prank but when several NY State troopers arrived Renier realized the rumor was true. He didn't have to say a word to his fellow knights. They served together long enough to know each other's thoughts with a look. The seven of them tore into the woods hoping to get to Viviana before Tommy did.

A loud shriek in the distance sent his heart into his mouth. Viviana, the bastard found her! The sound was off the path, farther off than he liked, and he wondered if Tommy dragged her further into the woods after attacking her. He charged through the brush, his hands clenching around the sword he wished he had. It was of no matter. Sword or no, if Tommy Moss harmed Viviana he would tear the sarding wastrel a new asshole.

"Get the fuck off me!"

He charged toward the sound of Viviana's shriek and burst into a clearing where he could just make out one figure struggling with another who was lying prone beneath him.

"It's time you learned your place, you mouthy bitch!" Tommy said, raising his arm.

Renier caught the glint of a blade in his hand as he charged toward them. He clamped his hand around the back of Tommy's neck and threw him as hard as he could into the trees. Tommy screamed as he sailed through the air and disappeared into the darkness. It probably wasn't his smartest move, Renier realized, but his only thought was to keep Viviana safe.

"Vivi? Fear not, it's Renier."

"Renier?" The tremble in her voice tore at him.

He reached toward the figure as she sat up slowly. His fingertips touched the warm satin that was her skin and he jerked his hand back. Was she naked? Viviana gasped and drew something around her.

"H-he c-cut open my dress."

Renier removed his cape and pulled it around her. He caressed her cheek, flushed despite the cold, with the back of his fingers before planting a kiss on her forehead. The terror he felt knowing she was out there with Moss, the relief that she was still alive, and his anger over what that mongrel might have done and was still prepared to do to her overwhelmed him. Renier hoped the others found them soon because if he got his hands on Tommy before they did, he knew he would kill him.

He stood up and bent to help Viviana to her feet when he felt the hot familiar bite of steel through the flesh of his arm. With a grunt, he was tossed off his feet as Tommy careened into him. He had at least ten years on the man and they were nearly the same size but Renier was more muscle than flab and, unlike the stuntman, his fighting experience was real.

As Tommy raised his blade again, Renier grabbed his wrist and gave it a hard twist. Tommy's scream accompanied the crunch and he dropped the knife. He headbutted Tommy, causing him to roll away clutching his head in agony as Renier got to his feet.

"You son of a bitch bastard! Why are you always getting in my way?" Tommy cried as he stumbled to his feet. "Why can't you mind your own damn business? What's she to you anyway? Did you fuck her? Cuz if you did you're not the only one! These spic bitches are always hot to trot. They fuck a new guy every night, hell, they love it when you run a train on them. Ain't that right, b-"

Renier interrupted him with a punch in the mouth. Tommy staggered back but Renier kept coming, hitting him again and again. The knight saw red. He hated men like Tommy, his father was such a man. He would come home drunk and beat him and his brothers if any of them were still awake. When he was old enough to know better, Renier would pretend to be asleep during the check, then wish he really was as he listened to the cries of his mother, tears running down his cheeks, as his father raped her.

Tommy collapsed in a wet heap as the knights and police arrived carrying torches and searchlights. The light revealed the large blonde man in black jeans and a hoodie lying bloodied on the ground, his lifeless eyes staring into the night with his face caved in. Renier stood over him, trembling with blood dripping from his arms up to his elbows. He looked at Viviana who was wrapped up in his cape and kneeling on the ground gaping at him. He'd done it. He saved Viviana but what good did it do when she thought him a monster?


After a long night of giving statements and being checked out by paramedics, Renier drove Viviana home. This was, hands down, the most frightening night of her life and the one thing Viviana needed was the comfort of Renier's presence. He seemed startled by her request to take her home when Aimee and Olga couldn't get away but she wanted to make sure he was alright too. The night had to have been traumatic for him too, she thought. After all, it wasn't every day he beat a man to death with his own hands, was it? Her plan was to get them both inside her place where it was safe, warm, and comfortable and settle in with some nice soup and sandwiches or hot chocolate. Some kind of comfort food to take the edge off the horror they'd both experienced. The girls wouldn't be home until well after midnight. They wanted to come home with her but she insisted they stay and finish their shift. She would be fine with Renier.

Except as they made their way home, she wondered about the wisdom of her choice. Something happened between them. Something strange and frightening and she wasn't sure what to do about it. All she knew was she couldn't be alone with Renier, not anymore. So when he pulled up to the house, she jumped out of the car, bid him good night and raced up the stairs. Peering through the blinds of the living room window, she watched with her heart in her mouth as his car sat in the street for several minutes before finally pulling away.

Viviana was curled up on the couch dozing while an infomercial played on TV when her roommates finally got home.

"Where's Renier?" Olga asked after waking her up.

"He went home."

"Already? Is everything okay between you two?"

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?"

Aimee chewed her bottom lip for a moment. "Viviana, he beat a man to death. That doesn't scare you?"

"Tommy was trying to rape me. He was going to kill me. Renier could've torn his head right off his body. I don't care, he saved my life!"

Viviana supposed fear would be the natural reaction to witnessing the savage beating Renier gave Tommy. Had there been more light in the clearing it might have been horrific for her to see but all she knew was the intense feeling of relief when Tommy was suddenly gone and Renier appeared before her like a dream. She'd been on the brink of death. She was starting to mourn for her family when they learned the news of her vicious rape and murder at the hands of a psycho bent on revenge. Carlo probably would've been relieved at being saved the expense of a divorce. Tommy, she'd hoped, would go down in a hail of gunfire ala Bonnie and Clyde while trying to escape.

Instead, there was Renier, like some gorgeous glorious angel, a true knight in shining armor. Not only did he save her from Tommy for a second time but he seemed to have flown into a rage as he pummeled Tommy. It was no secret he didn't like the man, neither of them did, and perhaps it was because he'd stabbed Renier in the fight as she discovered later but for a few minutes Viviana liked to think his rage came on her behalf. Maybe he liked her more than a friend. Maybe he was truly a knight defending the honor of his lady. Viviana chuckled to herself. She was spending way too much time at the park.

"So why didn't he stay? Is he okay?" Olga asked.

"Yeah, I think so. I don't know. I kind of panicked and ran into the house." Viviana said sheepishly.

"But you said you weren't scared of him." Aimee asked.

"I'm not, I was scared of myself."

"What do you mean?" Olga asked.

Viviana sighed and pressed the back of her hands to her eyes until she saw stars.

"Because if I'd invited Renier in tonight, I would've slept with him."

"What?!" The women screamed together.

"I know, what the hell is wrong with me? Tommy's attack was very traumatizing and I know it may be a while before I can be alone anywhere. But seeing Renier standing over Tommy, breathing heavy with his hair dripping wet, and the look on his face. I..." She raised her hands and shook her head.

"Wanted to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane?" Olga smirked.

Viviana groaned. "I know, I'm demented. I'm a sick and twisted individual."

"Of course you are, you wouldn't be a member of our family if you weren't."


Viviana avoided Renier for the next several weeks, which wasn't easy to do when he liked to watch their performance before his joust. But she was getting good at disappearing whenever he was just within reach. She ignored his calls and messages because she just didn't trust herself yet. She wasn't sure what to do about anything save one. Since the night of the attack, Viviana was finally able to sign the divorce papers and send them out. Regardless of what she was feeling for Renier, she was confident she was done with Carlo. She didn't have to put up with a man who put himself first and didn't see her as anything but a slave. That wasn't the norm anymore and in time she would find a man who appreciated her. To hell with Carlo and good luck to Gina! She would certainly have her hands full taking care of two babies. Viviana almost felt sorry for her.

Olga and Aimee were hosting Thanksgiving this year and at any moment family and friends who were either far from home or had been rejected by their own families would be descending on the house. Viviana was keeping several batches of her famous coquito in the basement to stay cool while the ovens were on in the house and in the excitement of getting ready, she'd completely forgotten to bring some up.

She just finished ladeling the sweet drink into a large pitcher when a deep voice called her name softly. She jumped, with a hand on her heart and laughed at her own silliness as she realized Renier was standing at the foot of the stairs.

"I need to put a bell on you. What are you doing here?"

"Olga invited us."


"The other knights."

"Oh, okay. I'll be up in a minute." She turned back to the table.

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

Renier hesitated. "Is it alright that I'm here?"

"Sure, why wouldn't it be?" She kept her back turned, trying to stop her hands from trembling.

Silence. And then,

"I apologize if I said or did anything to offend you the other night."

Viviana turned back to him. He still hadn't moved from the foot of the stairs.

"What are you talking about?"

"I realize you were frightened and I'm sorry I lost my temper. I want you to know that I would never harm you in any way. I could never raise my hand to a woman. You have no reason to fear me."

Viviana frowned. "You think I'm afraid of you?"

"Aren't you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then why have you been avoiding me?"


She realized then that she would have to tell him- something. They were friends, after all, and she cut all contact with him for a month. It never occurred to her that he'd think she was angry or afraid of him. Actually, she didn't think he'd notice her absence much at all. Not with the way their other female coworkers and guests fawned over him and the other knights all day. She was never one to give him that kind of attention. She knew from experience that that kind of behavior swelled a man's ego and she wasn't about to make that mistake again.

Their relationship was more paling around, having drinks at the tavern after a shift, and watching the game on TV in sweats or jeans and a T-shirt. They were buds, pals, there was absolutely nothing sexual between them at all. At least not on his end, she realized. She didn't want to lose what they had together but he deserved honesty so she had to tread lightly when breaking the news.

Just tear off the band-aid, Viviana.

"I'm sorry, I have been avoiding you but not because I'm angry with you or afraid of you. You saved my life, Renier, and I will be forever grateful to you... In fact, I was so grateful that night that had I invited you in-" She hesitated, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "I would have asked you to sleep with me."

She stared at the ground at her feet, looked at the collection of junk in the corner of the room, concentrated on the cobwebs on the wooden beams of the ceiling. She looked anywhere but Renier's face as she spoke. She couldn't bear to see the look of shock and embarrassment that would appear before he was able to fix his expression for her benefit. She knew he'd do at least that much for her.

His silence spoke volumes and she braced herself for the humiliating situation that would undoubtedly come. She could just see him making his excuses as he and the other knights scurried out of the house. God, would he tell them what really happened?

She groaned inwardly and hurriedly said,

"Now, I don't want you to feel obligated. I'm not expecting anything from you. I know that's not how things are between us. I was surprised by those feelings and needed time to process everything. I just thought you should know since I value our friendship. Give me some time to get back to normal and we'll never have to speak about this."

His feet appeared on either side of hers and she looked up, surprised that he moved across the room. This was the stealthiest man she'd ever met. Renier stared at her with an intensity that made her stomach flutter. He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers like he did the other night and cupped the nape of her neck. She shivered as he gazed into her eyes.

"Viviana," he whispered and kissed her, tentatively at first with a nip and then with a groan he deepened the kiss.

In her life Viviana had never known such a kiss! Lightning raced through her veins and heat flared in her belly as her toes curled. She wrapped her arms around his neck, plunging her hands into his luxurious mane of hair as he pulled her into his arms. Bueno, if he'd kissed her like that the night of the attack she most definitely would've been sans panties by the end of it. Why were they still on now? She wondered briefly.

"Oye nena, come on, we're waiting for the coquito!" Olga called from the top of the stairs.

It took two tries to get her voice back as she struggled to return to Earth before she replied breathlessly,

"I'll be right up."

Renier touched his forehead to hers with his eyes shut. The breathless grin on his face made her heart squeeze.

"I've been wanting to do that from the moment I first saw you." He said.

"The first time you saved me from Tommy?"

Renier shook his head. 

"It was during your first performance. We heard Aimee had a new wench group and wanted to er- check out the talent. You looked so nervous but determined and you jumped right into the act with both feet."

He opened his eyes which sparkled and he kissed her nose. "You were beautiful."

Viviana smiled. She couldn't help it, the smile appeared like a rainbow. And she blushed, in spite of herself.

"We should get back before Olga sends a search party." She said.

"Go out with me." Renier said. "Let me take you out somewhere special."

Viviana bit her lip and nodded. "Where and when?"

"I'll let you know, promise."

They each picked up a pitcher of coquito and headed out of the basement. It might have been a coincidence that he was behind Vivian that she added an extra swivel to her hips as they climbed the stairs.

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